divendres, 7 de maig del 2010

Friday 7 may 2010

Today Friday, the second day of the meeting, the Danish, the Italian and the German students have met in the Tecnology Department for do a "Mossaic". The Catalans students had normal lessons and they coudn't participate in the activity.

To do the mossaic they have caught some types of tiles (different colours) , and then they have broken them. After that, thay have pasted the pieces of the tiles in the ceramic.

The draw of the mossaic was the logo of COMENIUS. And, after work all the morning, we can say that the artwork is fantastic.

1 comentari:

  1. The mossaic is very beautiful. At first, we wanted to participate in this activity as it sounded very well, but today, the catalan students had to go in the normal lessons!!
